Friday, April 20, 2007

This is me and Chelsea with Amma, our mom's mom. 'Amma' is icelandic for 'grandma'. And no, we're not Icelandic. LOL!! Amma has always been there for us; to babysit, to have us over for lunch on a school day, for sleepovers. In fact, I went there for sleepovers up until I graduated from high school!

She is one of the reasons I am still in Snow Lake; family keeps moving away and I would hate to take 3 more of us out of town, and away from our Amma.


Crystal's blog said...

Nice pic!!! Ya your Amma is awesome!!! I wished I lived closer to my grandma. The boys's NANA knitted them sweaters and I made her a scrapbook to tell her how much she means to me.

Anonymous said...

I miss my grandma. She took us in for a bit while my father was trying to find himself I guess. Who knows where he was. But I miss her a lot. I'm glad you still have your Amma.

Vanessa said...

great photo, it is so nice to have those wonderful memories!

Chelsea said...

Amma IS awesome.... I really don't want to ever know what it would be like without her around....

Boo said...

You are so lucky to have Amma. Seems like you have a fabulous relationship with her! You are lucky!!