Friday, March 30, 2007

What makes me smile...

Yikes...I can't believe I'm posting this picture already. But this makes me smile, love handles and all. Because comparing it to my before pictures makes me feel good, knowing I can go the rest of the way. And because on Sunday, I wore a bathing suit for the first time without shorts or a t-shirt covering it up.

A good story. Book, movie, song lyrics. Romance, science-fiction, fantasy, chick lit. It really doesn't matter. I love to get involved with a really good story, one that makes me think, laugh, cry, get angry.

John Denver. I know, I know. Chelsea, don't roll your eyes. But I truly love his music, and turning it up in the car if I'm having a bad day really does help.

Addison and Abba. They drive me crazy, and they keep me sane. Even on the worst days ever, they can make me laugh so hard I have to stop to catch my breath.


Scrappytbear said...

WOW LOOK AT THAT PHOTO! You look SO so awesome! Great job, I so admire what you have accomplished!

Great layouts, cute cute kiddies :)
thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...

Sexy momma! You look awesome Dari. Good for you :o) I can't believe how big Addison's getting too! Can't wait to see you all in July!

Chelsea said...

You sexy beast you!!!!!! You look amazing! Next time look at the camera... LOL! And I'm going to borrow that mirror when I get to that stage too. ;)

Boo said...

Dari! You are HOT! Wow!!!! You look fabulous. I can't stop smiling. I'm so happy for you. You did it!

Look at Addison! He's getting so big! And Abba with her bathing suit and a tuque. Hilarious! Great pictures, great LOs. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Niapage said...

Wow Dari, You look smoking in your swimsuite! No way you should feel uncomfy it fits you well! Your kids are so adorable and lol mine did the same thing with the plastic wrap on the easter bakets.Nice blog page thank you for sharing Tammy