"Live now. Make now the most precious time. Now will never come again." -Capt. Jean-Luc Picard, Enterprise
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Our Aunty, the hairdresser...
Well, you can't see it in Addison's hair very well, but Aunty Annette put purple streaks in Abba's hair, and gave Addison a little purple mohawk. Oh, so cute!!
Very kewl! Look at Abba's blue eyes! WOW. She's so pretty!! And definitely happy about her streaks. LOL A little Addison with his mohawk. How sweet is he????!!!
I notice there's no section in the occupation area for "mom", but that's what I currently am, and I love it. I'm currently re-embracing my inner sci-fi side, and trying to figure out what exactly my personality is...
Cool hair Abba!!!! Good thing they have auntie Annette around. That will come in handy when Abba's a teenager.
Addison has such a cute smile!!! I could just squeeeeeeeeeeeze him!!!
Very kewl! Look at Abba's blue eyes! WOW. She's so pretty!! And definitely happy about her streaks. LOL A little Addison with his mohawk. How sweet is he????!!!
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